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by Martha Ramirez 3 years, 8 months ago
Flipped Learning in Language Teaching 2020
Reach Every Student
This five-week online workshop is designed for both those new to flipped learning and those who are already flipping their classes. The goal of flipped learning is to reach every student every day in a meaningful way. In flipped learning, the group learning space is revitalized and turned into a fertile environment for students to engage actively and creatively with learning. Thus, participants in the session will gain further insight into the concepts and processes of flipped learning in order to transform their pedagogical practice and will also learn about tools to enhance direct instruction and individual learning. Of course, whenever possible, the workshop employs a flipped approach!
Session Objectives
By the end of this session, participants will have
mastered the concepts underlying the flipped learning approach and how it differs from a flipped classroom.
seen examples of flipped learning in different contexts and at different levels of expertise when flipping (flipped classroom 101, flipped learning, in-class flip, etc.)
designed a plan for flipping one course (or section or lesson) and adapted their materials.
implemented a flipped lesson with students and shared their reflections on a forum.
networked with other participants and shared flipped lesson plans and projects.
interacted with some of the leading international experts in the flipped learning movement during our weekly webcasts.
Target audience
Target audience: This session is for both teachers that are completely new to flipped learning as well as teachers that are already flipping in K-12, higher education, and/or adult education. This session is for online and classroom educators, as well as course developers, curriculum coordinators, and program administrators.
Weekly Content
Week 1 (Jan 11-Jan 18, 2020)
Introductions, Flipped Learning Basics, and Our Session Tools
This week we will focus on getting to know each other, your interest/experience in flipped learning, and learn about resources for this EVO session as well as in the professional literature of flipped learning. Here's what we'd like you to do…
Week 2 (Jan 19-Jan 25, 2020)
Pillar F: Flexible Environment: How flexible can we be in the classroom?
Review lesson plans and analyze using a rubric
During this week, participants will...
Reflect on the pillar of Flexible Environment. What opportunities and limitations for flexibility does flipped learning create in your context?
- Read about Mindsets (Fixed vs. Growth and Innovators’), ask questions and reflect on a forum.
- Determine what aspects lend themselves best to out-of-class vs. in-class portions of a lesson. What is the best use of precious face-to-face class time?
Discuss ways to give students a variety of opportunities for showing content mastery within the FL environment.
Review lesson planning alternatives when flipping your lessons.
Week 3 (Jan 27-Feb 2, 2020)
Pillar L: Learning Culture: Creating Flipped Learning Lessons
During this week, participants will…
Reflect on the Learning Culture pillar. How does the flipped learning framework change the teacher and learners' roles?
Examine Flipped Learning model lesson plans from moderators or other sources, and analyze them using the Flipped Learning Indicators.
Create a flipped lesson plan that includes: out-of-class segment, in-class segment, as well as an accountability device to ensure learners complete the out-of-class assignment.
Include one or two formative assessments to use during the lesson you created.
- Discuss the use of Bloom’s taxonomy in flipped learning.
Week 4 (Feb 2-Feb 8, 2020)
Pillar I: Intentional Content - What to flip? Determine the best content to flip
During this week, participants will…
Reflect on the pillar of Intentional Content and identify an area for flipping your teaching
Know the advantages and disadvantages of creation versus curation of content
Reflect on your students’ needs for the content provided in the individual learning space.
Reflect and decide on the types of activities to be carried out in the group learning space as a continuation of those planned for the individual space.
- Discuss the use of Bloom’s taxonomy in flipped learning.
Week 5 (Feb 9-Feb 16, 2020)
Pillar P: Reflect on how Flipped Learning can help you grow as a professional practitioner
During this week, participants will…
Post a rationale for the lesson that shows how the 11 indicators of the FLN Checklist have been taken into account.
Reflect on changes in their perspectives on the role of teachers and learners.
Connect with other participants and make plans to collaborate on flipped lessons & projects.
Discuss opportunities to continue enriching the flipped learning experience by collaborating with others via existing networks, conferences, blogs, and Twitter accounts.
Evaluate the session using the official EVO form provided for this purpose.
Session Communication Tools
ANVILL: Screencasts, lessons, materials, and resources
Zoom: Weekly video conferences with moderators and guests (real time)
Other Technology Tools for Video Creation and Editing:
Screencast-o-matic, ScreenFlow, Camtasia, H5P, Explain Everything (iOS), Quicktime; Screencast.com with Camtasia or Snagit, or Sophia.org for video storage and playing and more; and innovative uses of slideshow software, like Powerpoint and Keynote
Response systems: Menti, Go formative, Kahoot, Socrative, Polldaddy, Padlet, Thinglink, Nearpod, Piktochart, learningapps.org.
Twitter (#FLEVO2020): Just in case you want to spread the word
Potential Sponsors
Program Administrators
Teacher Education
Video and Digital Media
Join this session!
The action starts on Jan 11, 2020.
But you can start exploring our pre-session activities as of January 4th, 2020.
Name (last, first)
Email address
Location (country of residence)
Biodata (not more than 50 words)
Magoto, Jeff
Jeff Magoto directs the Yamada Language Center at the University of Oregon and teaches CALL and Flipped Learning in the MATEFL program. He’s the co-author of ANVILL, a free, speech-based lesson authoring system used around the world.
Rodriguez Buitrago, Carolina
Carolina R. Buitrago works as a teacher educator at the Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana and at the MA program in ELT-ALE at Universidad de La Sabana in Chia, Colombia. Carolina has been flipping her blended and online MA classes for over two years and has recently started to work with flipped learning in her face-to-face courses.
Ramírez, Martha
Martha Ramirez has an MA in Education from the Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) with an emphasis on Bilingualism and Technology. She currently teaches at Universidad de Los Andes. As an independent consultant, Martha provides academic support for educational projects and workshops on current teaching trends. She is engaged in research regarding growth mindset and her insterests include pronunciation pedagogy, flipped learning, and the use of ICTs in ELT.
Díaz, Juliana
JulianaDíaz works as a level coordinator and researcher in the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures at Universidad de La Sabana. She has been teaching for 9 years and flipping for her face-to-face courses at this university for 4 years.Her research interests are Flipped Learning methodology, writing process and autonomy.
Salazar, Diana K
Diana K. Salazar works as the Head of the Foreign Language Department at Saint Matthew School in Bogota and also teaches at the Language Center from Sergio Arboleda University. She has been teaching for 10 years, implementing elements from different teaching paradigms and methods. Her areas of research in Applied Linguistics are identity and teacher education. With Flipping, she is currently at a padawan status but hopes to keep on sharing her experiences to the teaching community and grow stronger with the flipping force.
Garibotto, Gabriela
Gabriela Garibotto is an ESL teacher at secondary and primary schools in Argentina. She has been teaching English for 17 years now. She started flipping her English classes in 2018 after attending the EVO Session 2018. She did action research on Flipped Learning and Learners’ autonomy at CAECE University, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She isa member of the Asociacion Argentina de Profesores de Buenos Aires (APIBA) and moderator of the Ed Tech Sig (special interest group). Her research interests are flipped learning, social and emotional learning and mindfulness.
Kenteris, Mike
mrmike@kedu.gr facebook twitter
Mike Kenteris has a PhD in Mobile application design and context-aware computing from the University of the Aegean (Greece). Since March 2000, he has a privately owned IT and Language training organisation (LTO) on Lesvos island (Greece). As a passionate English as a foreign language educator he believes in engaging his learners through the use of active learning approaches and technology as a tool to succeed in achieving learning outcomes. His current research interests include Gamification in LTO and of course Flipped learning.
Esteemed Emeritus Moderators
Fethi, Khalid
Director and Principal of the Oum El Koura Language Center in Berkane, Morocco
Marshall, Helaine
Associate Professor of Education and Director of Language Education Programs at Long Island University-Hudson.
Coleman, Kevin
@ProfeKevin on Twitter
University Blog
Curated Flipped Content
Kevin Coleman is a passionate teacher, presenter, and teacher trainer. Flipped Learning has been a journey and a way of life for 5 years, in varying contexts in Colombia and Online. In his opinion, flipped learning is a common sense way to build relationships and take care of each individual learner.
Graney, John |
john.graney@sfcollege.edu |
John Graney is a recently retired English language educator who flipped his classes a few years ago. He taught at Santa Fe College. He also taught in university programs in the U.S. and Africa and trained teachers in a refugee program in the Philippines and China. |
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